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Come on…, she told herself as she started with the brushing. Pam pam pam… when was the last time this plant was taken care of? And did they need to be brushed daily? Like twice a day? Because if so… the Ravenclaw couldn’t understand why the Professor was keeping them here. Were they of any use?
At Sarah’s remark, Gwen gave a small smirk as she raised her eyebrow. Nope. Not really. But was it weird that she preferred the plant’s company to some people? Yes. That sounded kind of wrong. ‘Working on iiit’¸the fourth year started saying, as she heard Sarah say something about being done. Done? I haven’t even started properly!, Gwendolyn thought and tried to speed up a little. But the job needed to be done well, right?
Brush. Brush. Brush.
Hmph. Wouldn’t just some spell work for the plant? Like the one they use in Potion for cleaning the cauldrons? Gwen simply went on cleaning the teeth of the plant, trying to finish her part as quick as she could. But there was still work to do. ‘In a minute…’, Gwen announced as she was still scrubbing with the brush.
Sarah watched Gwen scrub the plant's teeth harder and harder.
The plant doesn't look that bad. Sarah thought of patting it. She hesitated for a moment, but then slowly placed her hand on it's head and stroked it. The plant stirred a little. She removed her hand immediately and turned to Gwen. "
Uh-oh" she said, as she saw Gwen try harder. "
Come on, give me that" she said in a friendly tone, reaching for the brush. "
I'll do the rest while you can get ready for the flossing." she paused, "
Besides, I'm becoming an expert in it" she grinned.
Patience, the power.