Join Date: Sep 2007 Location: The Eyrie
Posts: 14,978
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ashton P. Walker First Year
x11 x11
| Lewrumi wins, though. XD Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!] Text Cut: LOL! Quote:
Originally Posted by hpluvr037 "Oh, well.. okay, then." There she went smiling again. He almost wished she wouldn't. Almost, but not quite. It sort of wrong-footed him every time it happened, though. Like, his brain froze for a second and he missed stuff. Quite unfortunate, really, but entirely bad. Sometimes? Yes, that was correct. But perhaps she'd never had to make the decision to cut people from a team. It had been a nightmare last year. He had felt so much pressure to get it right. Looking back, he couldn't remember how he'd done it. But he must have done something good, because they had won the Cup. Man, I hope I can replicate that, he wished fervently.
He couldn't help but feel that he was confusing her. He resolved to wait a moment whenever something came to his head. That way he could hopefully avoid even MORE embarrassing slips. "Yes, you do. And.. sorry I keep changing everything I'm saying. I should probably start thinking before I speak, right?" Rhetorical question. The answer was CLEARLY yes. "And no, you're right! You're definitely amazing!" he clarified, elbowing her right back. Wait, do girls get mad if you elbow them? Is that just, like, a thing you can do TO a guy, but not back to a girl? He made a second mental note to owl Treyen straight away when he got back to the castle... which, on reflection, would probably be much later than he had originally planned...
So she agreed. They were even. And yet, he felt they weren't. She seemed satisfied, but he felt like there was so much about her he still wanted to know. She was almost being.. mysterious. Like, she only said all that after he had first told her the same information. It made him even more curious about her, if that was even possible.
He was a bit worried when she looked puzzled, but then she seemed to figure out what he was talking about and Keefer relaxed a bit. "Yeah, it is. Hogsmeade Station." He nodded. "There's a village a little ways from there. It's the only all-wizard settlement around," he said to her hair, since her face was towards the front gate. At his almost-request, he could tell she was... Upset? Angry? Confused? ..Hopeful? Never mind, he couldn't read her expression. At least until she said that he should ask her. The balloon in his chest began to inflate once more.
But as he promised her, he stopped for a moment to think before he spoke. What if we have to have Quidditch practice that day? I can't ask her this far in advance, cuz I may have to back out. This thought horrified him, causing him to bite his lower lip a bit. Then again, if she were ON the team, she would understand. But that wasn't certain. Although, she's probably really good. I mean, who would be better, right? Right. Yes, she'd almost certainly make the team. He was sure of it.
"I don't even know when the first Hogsmeade weekend is. And I can't really promise I won't have Quidditch." Which was true. "But, I am the Captain," which she already knew, "so I suppose I could just.. make sure we're done in time." His gaze dropped to her hand for a brief moment, then snapped back to her eyes. "So yeah, I'd love to show you around if you'd like." That's right, Keef. Just... play it cool.
For some inexplicable reason she couldn't stop smiling. And she only hoped he'd finally understood her words and what she meant, not find some hidden meaning behind it, because there was none.
He was going to agree with her own agreement over the former statement in regards to Quidditch and decision-making skills, of course. After all, he said it himself. So it was no surprise that he didn't counter her reply at all. Good. He was probably right, though. But why did it look like he was thinking something else that he didn't voice out?
Not that he had to say everything that came to mind...
Then, what? No, don't. "Don't apologize for that, though it tends to get a little confusing," she said, being entirely honest. He probably knew this better than she did, since the same thing ought to happen to him as he tries to reorganize his words once they've been said. As far as thinking before speaking...he probably should, but not to change his answer, only to make it gain some sense. Kate actually didn't mind this, he could say the first thing that came to mind. Perhaps this was the reason why she made no comments on it? She didn't want to influence him in any way, and she knew she could easily do this. Though, maybe she's began doing so without meaning to. "Thank you!" she beamed, and...did anyone notice she didn't say something remotely similar to him? She'd done so, but when they spoke of Quidditch skills, not on questioning skills. The elbowing she didn't mind at all.
No, they weren't exactly even. But when it came to what they knew about each other based on questions...well, they WERE even. Details were missing, though.
Oh! So it was! Now she knew where Hogsmeade was, and that is was an all-wizard kind of village. She found herself wanting to know more about what it was that surrounded Hogwarts. She knew the basics, of course, the boundaries, but beyond them? Besides the whole world? There really were no boundaries, after all.
Now he was over-thinking it. And she had no idea if that was going to be good or not, her eyes wandered off to their surroundings as he decided on an answer. Was it really too hard, though? No, because he began his speech only seconds after that, and her eyes landed on his again.
QUIDDITCH! Oh, she was totally looking forward to tryouts, and then, possibly, to games. So, the fact that he was placing Quidditch on top of everything was something her mind didn't consider, for it was busy focusing on the sport as well. Yes, he was the Captain, and he could also do that. She nodded, and the smile on her face totally belonged to Quidditch. Her mind did wonder what it was that caught his attention for a small second as his gaze turned away from her. "Sounds nice, yes," she nodded, her hair moving as well. Basically, if Keefer ever got around to really ask her, chances are she'll say yes. "Did I ever ask you what your favorite team was?" or they never got around to that? Because she couldn't remember. And while her face didn't show, she didn't like one bit that she couldn't remember that, her memory was usually brilliant. |