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Old 05-08-2012, 07:11 PM   #161 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 27

I squinted as sunshine fell on me as I opened my eyes. I half expected to find myself looking out into the Shire, but found the Infirmary of Hogwarts instead. This I could definitely say was a let down.

I sighed. I was so close! But I suppose I was back where I belonged. Besides, Jen had told me that it was the worst fate to be kissed by a dementor. And then the old wound struck again with a sharp pain. Jen was gone! Such a good friend like her doesn’t appear all the time. But I suppose Charlie was feeling worse than I was. I mean, he was the one who liked her.

Speaking of Charlie, I found him sitting in the bed next to me, reading a book. I peered down to look at the cover to find it was The Tales of Beedle the Bard. As soon as he saw my head move, he gave me a wide smile and said, “Welcome back to life Bandy.” He patted me on the back from his bed (which was kind of a stretch) and put his book down to talk to me.

I looked around the room, and noticed Heather Finnigan, who was groaning, in the bed next to me, but no Tonks. “Where’s Tonks?” I questioned Charlie.

“Well, she didn’t get it as bad s the rest of us, and plus, I think the health given to her after losing the Ring helped her a bit.” His smile faded a little after mentioning the Ring, because we both knew where it was.

But before I could say anything else, Tonks ran into the Infirmary, and threw her arms around me. “Thank God!” she cried.

I could feel myself going purple as her arms crushed my windpipe. “Can’t… breathe…. Tonks… let… go…”

She finally released me and said, ‘I’m sorry. It’s just… we weren’t so sure. You know, after…” Her voice trailed off, and I could tell there was something I should know, and they just weren’t telling me.

“What happened anyway?” I questioned them.

They both looked uncomfortable and Tonks began rubbing her arm. “Well, what do you remember?” she asked.

So then I explain to her seeing Charlie amazingly fighting Lalanos, Tonks and I trying to defend the Ringwraiths, and then I most reluctantly told them about the dark figures turning into angels and… the darkness.

“Oh, so that’s what you saw!” said Charlie, astonished.

“Why, what did you see?”

At this Charlie scratched his head. “Well… I can’t really explain very well. I really wasn’t paying attention.”

I could easily understand this, as he was battling an elf-lord while everything was happening. That’s why Tonks tried to explain. “Well, while Charlie was amazingly fighting Lalanos…”

“I wasn’t that good,” Charlie said with fake modesty.

“You were fantastic,” she told him, before going back to her story. “Well, I don’t know why I sustained longer than you. Perhaps my memories are a bit more happy, or maybe because I got a boost of energy after losing the Ring. I don’t know, but, we were trying to fight him, but then you became unconscious. I could tell you were still alive by your shallow breathing. But then, your heart stopped, and I nearly began to cry, but the next thing I saw was a small blue floating orb coming from your mouth, coming towards the dementors. I think it was your soul.”

Dead silence filled the room. For that time I was soulless? A chill went through my body before I asked the next fatal question. “So, how’d we get out of it?”

Charlie took this question. “It was amazing. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see you with your… your soul coming out. And of course I was terrified. And then, I saw Professor Dumbledore, Snape, and Ports appear in the woods, and they all screamed ‘Execto Patronum’ and a different kind of animal came out of each of their wands, and the dementors just went away. It was bloody brilliant!”

He said this last sentence so loud, Madam Pomfrey from the other side of the room gave him a disapproving scowl.

It was all making sense now. Dumbledore must’ve found the note we left behind, and because of it we were saved! Thank Gandalf we remembered to leave that note. But then I thought of something. “What happened to Lalanos?”

That’s when Charlie’s face fell and I could see the scarlet turning up in his ears. He mumbled something under his breath that I couldn’t hear, so I asked him to repeat himself.

“I LOST HIM!!!!! I LOST CONCENTRATION WHEN THE PROFESSORS CAME, AND HE GOT PAST ME AND WENT TO THE HOLLOW!!! AND NOW…and now…” he took a breath as if he had just come up from being under water for too long. “He’s after Jen. Now she’s in so much danger.” At this last phrase, he lets out something in between a wretch and a cough.

Immediately, Tonks went over to him and hugged him with all her might, and I went to join her. We, back down to a trio, were mourning for our friend.

And I had never felt better.

Last edited by XenoLongbottom; 05-09-2012 at 07:08 PM.
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