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Old 05-08-2012, 02:32 PM   #318 (permalink)
Rosa Chispa Princessa
Formerly: Herminny

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lucas Devolian
Fifth Year

x4 x1
Talking Post 1
Funny Beauty

Oichi started to feel a bit better hearing the professors words. Ofcourse, the professor is very knowledgeable and would never put students harms way. Especially a young one like me. Oichi listened to the professor as instructions were given for activities for younger and older students. Okay, so my task is to brush and floss the teeth of a fanged, sedated, germanium, alright. Wait, how is a plant sedated?..... Remember, the professor is an expert, you ask her about it later With that Oichi gathered the tooth brush and tooth paste ad approuched a work station with the fanged plant thing. It looked freaky. She really did not want to touch let alone brush it's teeth.
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