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Old 05-08-2012, 12:38 PM   #290 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Harri Ainsworth
Second Year
Default Post 2.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!

Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Okaay. So West had made her gloves nice and flexible now. That could work. But now she needed to go back and super clean her plants teeth. So that she could be awesome, and cool. "Brushaa Brushaa Brushaaa" She sang to herself as she skipped back over to her plant, and picked up the tooth brush. Oh West had been really right. It was much easier to do stuff with more flexible gloves. Perfect. With a smile on her face she began brushing the teeth of the plant, being careful because she didn't want to hurt the plant. Sure the plant wasn't really a human, but she was pretty sure that it had feeling. And its feeling must not have been very nice because it ate flesh! WHich was not good.

Ahh. Brush brush brush. Indy smiled as she did so, swaying to the side a little. She really did enjoy this. Even though it did feel a bit weird to be brushing teeth that weren't her own.
Heh. Suddenly, she felt like Indy completely forgot about her. Was she really that enthusiastic to make the Germaniums teeth clean that she was even singing and dancing?

Trying to hide a chuckle, Beezus shook her head and proceeded to the Fanged Germanium next to Indy's. And of course, she had the tooth brush and floss with her. Placing her implements on a vacant space next to her Germanium, she started to work.

"OKAY. Fanged up..." she said, nodding and pulling the closed mouth of the plant open. "Come on, now. You're a good little Germanium." Which was really ironic since the Germanium mouth was almost bigger than her head, and that meant the plant could swallow her whole if it wanted to. But she wasn't nervous. Professor Seren was there if she needed any help. Plus, Indy was just next to her.

But it won't really open up.

She crossed her arms and turned to her best friend, "Indy...this Geranium won't open up." Yes, she was complaining and that also meant she needed help.

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