Seren smiled warmly, this first year was rather on top of things, though it wasn't surprising that he didn't know how to break in his gloves.
"General wear and working with them is best as they will become flexible only where you need them to be, but there's an easy way to speed up the process." Summoning a plastic spray bottle from the stores cupboard, she gave the nozzle a sniff before approaching west.
"Hold out your hands," she said, spray bottle at the ready.
"Distilled flobberworm mucus... is extremely useful for improving flexibility for gloves, chilled or numbed plants, eliminating the squeak from doors..." "They will not hurt you," she assured again.
Though apparently that answer wasn't good enough...
"The plants will not hurt you today, they are sedated... so you will be fine, and more to the point I am here." Because she was an expert when it came to flesh eating plants, so if they were going to trust anyone, it would be her.
A direct question... and a great lead in to the activity.
"Yes, that will be a part of today's activity..." Because really if that was all, then it wouldn't be much fun.
Scanning the area to make sure nobody was lagging behind, Seren then clapped her hands together.
"Right class, today, you will be not only brushing, but also flossing your flesh eating plants teeth. They are sedated, so they will not hurt you. Though should they begin to stir then all you need to do is say my name." And she would be there... obviously.
"First, second and third years, you will be working on the fanged geraniums. There are enough for each of you to have your own, so you will be working individually. You are free to chat and help each other if necessary." She paused before moving on to the rest of the instructions.
"Fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh years... you will be working in pairs on piranha plants. Though they look scary, they're sedated so you'll be fine," she said patting the head of one affectionately. Yes, they looked scary, but they really were darlings, and they only reached waist height.
"At your work stations you will find the implements necessary to carry out the activity."
"Are there any further questions?"
At your workstations you will find the following items:
Fanged Geranium Stations toothbrush minty flossing twine Piranha Plant Stations bigger toothbrush minty flossing twine OOC: You have 2 days to RP brushing and flossing your plants teeth. 1-3 years you're working individually but may chat/help out ... 4-7 years you are working in PAIRS. If you're having trouble finding a partner please contact me.
To be eligible for full participation marks you must RP this activity in no less than 5 posts. HAVE FUN!