Thanks kind folks for the kind words
Now its time for the third and final (for now) saga. This, in my opinion, is not like my other non-cannon stories, in that it's plausible to take place. Its a little ditty called "The Not So Irrelevant Adventures of James & Albus"!
The Polyjuice Mambo!
A head shoots out around a corner, eyes narrowed, wand casting light into the dark corridor.
Albus," The voice whispers cautiously.
"Yes, James?" A slightly younger sounding voice replied.
"Move out!" James jokingly says.
They moved around the corner, Albus smirking and checking a yellowed map, James cautiously checking everywhere for Filch, or worse, Crabbe & Goyle Junior.
"Take left....right about..... NOW!" Albus says.
James takes a left and finds a staircase.
"Down?" He asks, shining the light down the stairs.
"Ahyup." Albus says, chuckling. James carefully walks down the stairs, nearly tripping on one, grabbing the wall for assistance, only to find out the wall suddenly grew a STINKING NOSE.
He lets out a high pitched gurly man shriek, and bumps into Albus, who drops the map and begins a rumblin' tumblin' down the stairs, as a stupid sounding laugh echoes around the dungeon.