MO Crup
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 16,817
Hogwarts RPG Name: Elliott Patterson First Year | {Carson McIntyre} {Music is a boys best friend}  Face Claim: Justin Bieber  {Basics} Full Name: Carson Alexander Jordan Dylan Benjamin McIntyre Nickname(s): Scooter (See history), Benjie, Alex, Alecat (By his sister ONLY), Captain candy cane (He came up with this himself), Zander Age: 13 D.O.B: September 9, 2064 P.O.B: Dublin, Ireland Residence: London Heritage: Muggleborn {Magical Me} Wand: Patronous: Cheetah Boggart: Snake School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House: Slytherin Year: Third Best subjects: Muggle Studies Worst subjects: Potions {Appearance} Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Hazel Weight: 150 lbs Height: 5'5” Build: Tall, muscular Skin tone: Slightly tanned Distinguishing features: A freckle to the right of his mouth, two freckles to the left of his mouth and a scar on his right cheek. {Family} Mother: Megan McIntyre Father: Luke McIntyre Siblings: Amelia McIntyre, 19 {Personality}
Carson is usually someone who is laid back and charming. He does have a tendency to allow his attitude get the better of him depending on the situation and the circumstances of that situation. However, when his parents are trying to make decisions for him that he would like to have a say in, his attitude comes out a lot. Whereas if his older sister, Amelia is around, his attitude lightens slightly. With an eye for the girls and a charming personality, Carson is your normal muggle teenage boy with a wizards touch. {History}
Carson is an Irish born wizard. From a very early age, his parents have known there was something different about him. Though, up until he was ten years old, they weren't entirely sure what that was.
From the word go, Carson has always been a little boy who wanted to experiment with music in anyway he possibly could. He would drum on tables and chairs using wooden spoons, sing around the house with the remote control as a microphone. He would even use the sofa as his very own stage. But it wasn't until he started getting older that he started to show a real interest in performing in front of crowds.
At the age of six, he staged his very first performance in front of an actual crowd. All be it friends and relatives of his parents, he still quite enjoyed it and was eager to carry on performing in front of people. But his first performance in front of a crowd of more than fifty people came when he was ten, around the time his parents discovered he was a wizard.
Up until that day, Carson had gone to muggle school in Dublin, Ireland. When he first started at the school, he initially came off as a quiet, shy little boy who was afraid to make friends. Up until the point he made friends with now best friend Ben. From the get go, Ben and Carson had hit it off. Throughout primary school, the two were practically inseparable. However, the 'double trouble' twosome was some two become a threesome when the two boys made friends with close friend and fellow aspiring singer, Adam. The three became close friends.
However, when Carson left his muggle school in Dublin to go to a wizarding school in Limerick, the three lost contact. But contact and their friendship was resumed during Carson's first summer back home after going to school in Limerick.
Limerick School for Young Witches and Wizards was where he got the nickname 'Scooter'. This nickname came around after he made friends with a wizard of the same age. He was given this nickname because he is known for being energetic and so tends to be fast at times. Since earning this nickname, Carson has grown to like it and has a tendency to refer to himself as 'Scooter'.
When Carson turned 12, he was told that his father had been offered a job in London and that he was going to be taking the job. Carson was initially upset to be leaving the place he had always known as home but soon started to grow to love it. Since moving to London three months before the summer, he has had time to get used to his surroundings. However, he has not yet seen the full extent of the wizarding world outside of Ireland and so doesn't quite know what to expect of those who were born and grew up in England. {Favourites...} Colour: Blue Food: Irish Stew "Nana makes the most amazing Irish Stew in the history of Ireland" Place: Dublin, Ireland Film: Every Scooby Doo movie ever made Animal: Cheetah's "Believe it or not, I think they're cute" {Likes}
- Animals
- Chocolate
- Singing
- Playing guitar
- Writing songs
- Making new friends {Dislikes}
- Confined, crowded places "Blame the fact my sister locked me in a cupboard when I was five"
- Bullies
- Snobby people
- Soppy chick flicks (unless he's with a girl who happens to love the movie)
- Spiders {Pets}
- A tabby cat named Bella
- A black cat named Socks
OOC: Hey guys  I'm Sammi *curtsey's* I'm looking forward to rping with all you lovely people and meeting all the new faces to our humble house  Feel free to VM me anytime you want to rp.
__________________ I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier;
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry;
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
Last edited by Lilly94; 05-22-2012 at 08:59 PM.