Kyleigh couldn't help but glance over to Neptune as she heard her snort when Simon tripped. Sure - sure it might be funny if you didn't know the normally stable footed boy - or if he hadn't saved your own life on numerous occasions. However when she gave HER that indigent sniff she just felt her teeth grind together.
Kyleigh Elizabeth Manning was no lower than Neptune - not in the least. Sure she didn't have the lineage of the flavored beans but really? She had always been nice to the girl - what was wrong now?
It wasn't until she thought back on everything that happened at the shop that she realized. Was Neptune trying to set her up with someone? Well - anyone who knew Kyleigh would know she was as socially inept as a rock.
Turning back to Rodrigo and Neptune she smiled. "You two have fun - I'm...er going to get this potion I think" she smiled and turned picked up the confidence potion. She was going to tell someone exactly what she thought one of these days and maybe just buying it would help.
She turned back towards Simon in time to see him looking back at her. Breath catching - she had noticed how different the look was - it wasn't what she had seen earlier that day.
Biting the inside of her cheek she quickly turned and began to follow after him. Potion still in hand. "Simon" she bit her lip. I need to get chapstick... She thought and stood there near him. "W-when you get done with whatever you have to do here do you want to er - go for a walk at the park?" she asked. "This p-puh-puh-place is making me need to sneeze" she crinkled her nose.
Eyes watering. It was too late. AHchoooooo.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |