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Kurumi blinked several times before responding. "No no no, I do believe you misheard what I said, Miss Skylar," Kurumi said, shaking her head and flailing waving her hand. "I didn't say you would pass Potions, I just said that I would make sure you didn't get a T. As long as you do well on the practical you should be able to accomplish that. Just have to memorize facts and ingredients." Brewing...well...that was something Kurumi was just glad she wouldn't be around to witness. She was feeling bad for the Ministry employee who had to oversee Selina's OWL already, however. Poor bloke, or woman, had no idea what was coming and the prefect sure hoped that he would be receiving a rather large sum of something for compensation.
Maybe Kurumi should send Selina in with some cookies before the practical? Soften the blow a bit?
But Kurumi's thoughts did not linger on cookies for too long as conversation shifted back to her mother's journal. The strange thing about the entries was that Kurumi could only read the ones that were almost impossible to read due to her mother's shaky hand. The ones in the beginning, the ones that were written in her mother's perfect calligraphy. Yet, no matter now much control over her body's movements her mother had lost she always managed to write the names of her children and husband perfectly. It was as if in doing so she wanted them to know that she was fighting to stay with them. Fighting to let them know just how much she still cared.
Chewing on her bottom lip firmly, Kurumi swallowed first in a feeble attempt to compose herself. "I'm not sure I will ever be...not the whole thing," she frowned, her brown eyes looking down at the ground. "So...so much has changed...is still changing..." She tucked a strand of her dark hair behind her ear and ruffled her bangs nervously. "I...I can't do it anymore...Selina...it...it switched off..." She looked back up at her best friend now, brown eyes meeting blue ones.
Kurumi Hollingberry had a normal appearance now. There was nothing unusual about her and she would just blend in with a crowd. It was everything she had ever wanted, but now she felt more lost than ever and even less like herself.
Selina smiled at Kurumi when she cleared up that Selina would not pass Potions. At least the two of them were on the same level of understanding when it came to that small fact. The ability of Potions when it came to Selina was not something that anyone who knew her well was confident on. The fifth year redhead was afraid for the poor Ministry man who had to deal with her test results. In fact, she had been having nightmares as of late about the day of her test and the brewing portion. The recurring nightmare she kept having involved her hair growing three times in size and the poor Ministry man getting blown sky high.
With an ounce of a chuckle to her voice she responded,
"Well... I don't know if it is going to be as simple as that, but I will try my hardest." A smirk grew on her face and she added,
"If I had some sweets to help get through the study sessions I'm sure I would do plenty better..." That was unlikely, but it sure would make the whole thing a lot more tolerable.
The conversation transitioned to the journal that was safe in Selina's hand. Her best friend spoke very low and the fifth year could barely make out what she was saying. Finally, it all connected in her head what the older prefect was saying and Selina, on impulse, reached out grabbed her best friend's hand. It was then she caught sight of Kurumi's eyes and it clicked what Kurumi was saying. Her eyes were brown. The purple hue that was everpresent in her best friend's eyes were gone. Her ability had just turned off.
Without even thinking about it, Selina pulled her friend into a hug. No words came to her mind. What could she say? What could she say at a time like this?