Unbreakable Vow.48
After Hogwarts
“What about an unbreakable vow?” you hear, and recognise the voice was Professor McGonagall.
“I don’t think we will need it, Minerva. Really, he is only young. I do not think he will reveal the location of the Potter’s,” says the voice you have known to belong to Professor Dumbledore.
Alarmed, you step forward towards the door a little bit, with your friend, as you try to hear what they are saying about your family no doubt.
“But there’s something not quite right with him, Albus. I don’t think it matters his age, there has to be someone acting as a spy, someone who is friends with the Potter’s, surely,” Professor McGonagall replies.
You feel uncomfortable during the long pause that follows, becoming quite aware of yours and your friends heavy breathing.
“Sirius is surely not the spy, my dear woman, he can’t be,” Professor Dumbledore says.
You turn around and run away as quick as you can. Realising that they are talking about your family’s safety, you feel sick and frightened. You apparate home as quick as you can to make sure your husband and child are safe.