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For a moment Selina was really enjoying the nice hug moment that she and Kurumi were sharing. She tried to show all of the love she felt for her best friend/sister/lion in that hug. Then she felt an awkward pressure on her back and she pulled her head away from the hug to see what it was- a juice box. Perhaps, she should have double checked if Kurumi was holding anything before she attacked her best friend was a hug. Although, she had not seen the juice box to be fair and she also wanted to give Kurumi the hug regardless so to each his own.
However, just the sight of the juice box made Selina chuckle. It was so typical of them to be so awkward with even the most conventional and simple things like a hug. But she had missed Kurumi so much she did not complain. It was so brilliant to see her. Merlin, she did not even understand how much she had missed her until that moment.
Then Kurumi pulled away from the hug and asked the most tentative question. The girl was obviously still feeling the affects of what had occurred that summer, but she did not want to make it worse so she did not press the issue. Instead, she answered Kurumi's question with a quiet and calm air, "Yeah I'm excited. It's a big year, but I think I'm ready. What about you?". Code for, how are you?
Kurumi almost found it ironic that Selina was the one clinging to her more than she was to the redhead. Not that Kurumi wasn't returning the hug just as fiercely, because she was, but the reason behind the fierceness was a little different. Of course, Kurumi couldn't be sure that this was what Selina was thinking, but she assumed that a major emotion behind the hug was directly connected to her mother's passing. While it still stung and made the Gryffindor's eyes water right now, she had also found peace with it. Well, as peaceful as she could get seeing as a month's time hadn't even passed yet.
Big year. No kidding. That seemed almost like an understatement. Despite her OWLs already being done, which meant that there were less things for Kurumi to worry about it was things outside her studies that had her uneasy. OWLs...speaking of which. "
You'll let me know if you need help studying for your OWLs, right?" Truth was she had already had a few fifth years approach her and ask for study sessions. While Kurumi was more than willing to help, she also saw it as a basic foundation for her studying for her NEWTs. Always thinking ahead.
As ready as I can be, I suppose," Kurumi sighed. She still had a lot of things on her mind. Even without OWLs weighing her down, Kurumi still had no intention of trying out for Quidditch again. Quidditch was Selina's thing, not Kurumi's. She did miss sharing in the sport with Selina though, but that was really all she missed about it. "
I more nervous for the start of this term than I have been for any of the others..." Meaning that she was petrified of the conversations she had to have with Lewis and Jonathan.
Actually, Selina, there is something I want to show you," she whispered as she handed her best friend the journal she had been holding. "
I...I want you to see what my mother wrote in her journal..." She didn't have to right this instant if she didn't want to, but Kurumi hoped that Selina understood the implications of what this meant. Not everyone was getting to see these words.