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Old 04-27-2012, 12:06 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
So this was the wall, eh? The famous platform of nine and three quarters...

Milton stared at it with a cocked eyebrow. He wasn't one to question magical things, but that wall looked pretty solid. And he wasn't sure he wanted to run into it without seeing someone else do it first.

But how was he supposed to tell wizards apart from muggles? There were tons of people swarming around to catch the morning trains. Milton pursed his lips and stood casually near the entrance to the platform, just waiting for someone to show up and go through the wall first.

While he waited, he watched the muggles walk by. They were all so... muggle ish. With their suitcases and briefcases and the technology stuff they had in their ears. Ugh. Muggles. Someone magical, please reveal yourself.
As though summoned by Milton's silent wish, Cornelius Rune appeared on the scene with the usual bounce to his step, making his way to the wall in a casual stride. Duffel bag flung over his shoulder and trunk wheeling behind him, he was just positioning himself to start towards the wall when he thought it best to make sure no Muggles were aware of what he was doing. It was in this quick glance to either side that he caught sight of Milton casually waiting near the platform, glancing around so naturally that he wouldn't have pinned him for Hogwarts had it not been for the bags he was sporting and his proximity to the entrance. And the observation of Muggles, that was generally a sign.

Flashing his natural smile, Cornelius acknowledged him with a brief wave over his duffel bag, using the few fingers not entangled in the strap as he gestured to the wall barrier with a brief nod of his head. "It's best if you just take it at a run," he called lightly, flashing yet another smile as he took in the unknown person's appearance and realized he was obviously much older than a first year. He was an exchange student! Must've been; just like he had been last year. "You must be new." He paused, feeling a little rude for not introducing himself yet, and moved his duffel bag on top of his trunk so he could extend a hand across the distance between them. "I'm Cornelius."
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