He couldn't not go back to Hogwarts without his stash of candies! His arms were loaded with boxes and bags and containers full of candy. Who knew when the first Hogsmeade weekend would be! And he didn't want to be caught without. Waiting his turn at the counter, Isaac started counting out his items mentally in his head. Let's see...
3 Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans packets
10 Chocolate Frogs
6 Sugar Quills
2 Drooble's Best Blowing Gum
1 packet of Jumping Gummy Bears
a pound of Chocolate dragon fudge for Amelia
a pound each of Hazelnut and Almond chocolates
Figuring it in his head he figured he'd need at about 8 galleons and 7 sickles. Not too bad for the amount of candies! He had put aside 10 galleons just for that so had more then enough. Maybe he'd head to another shop before being done for the day.