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Old 12-20-2011, 03:20 AM
Roselyn Roselyn is offline
Default Outside Professor Romanos' Office

Around the corner from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is a nook that could almost be easily missed, in which sits a quaint little waiting area for all those who wish to visit Professor Romanos. There are a variety of dark reddish-brown leather chairs for those to sit comfortably on, surrounding a low, rich colored mahogany table that has been conveniently stacked with a few magazines for enjoyment while waiting. Underneath sits a soft carpet that matches the rest of the décor, giving the area a rustic and inviting place to be in. If one wishes to visit the professor, all they have to do is knock. Keep in mind though, there may be others already in the office and if that's the case, feel free to make yourself comfortable. Fall asleep if you must. The Professor doesn't mind; just as long as you aren't missing any lessons.

ooc: Please post here first by having your character knocking on the door. When you are invited into the office, I will reply here quoting you. Feel free to chat with friends if you so wish, though keep in mind that being too rambunctious may cause your visit there to turn down a different road with the Professor.