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Old 04-17-2012, 08:08 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Iowa , United States
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Second Year

In my next post, I do say that the children watch television a lot. They all wake early, since they have lights out around 9pm. Also very young children tend to wake early anyways, while some older ones sleep in.

The pace has quickened in the last chapter. She has runaway; she tends to do in hard situations. That is why I made the dialogue very short. When you meet someone you don’t trust, you tend to be very direct and non-trusting.
She is very stubborn and this chapter shows it. Ollie, who never was shown how to love, doesn’t understand his feelings. He feels protective, yet almost too obsessive.
This next chapter is the last of this year.
Months have passed and Ella must take her OWLS. Her life is boring and dull and she seeks adventure, like she once had. She has realized that life with Sirius wouldn’t have been bad and that she is a child and should be treated like one.

I should have clarified. My next story will begin with a recap of year 6th. I think it will actually start at Dumbledore’s Funeral and end with an epilogue.
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