Forever Hufflepuff | | Always. 55. Egg On
post-hogwarts “Selena, will you steal a strawberry for daddy, please?” Hank asked his four year old daughter, Lydia had banned him from the kitchen for the day, declaring him a nuisance to the cook.
The little girl went and retrieved a strawberry for her father. “Oh thank you sweet girl. Can daddy have another one?” He asked her. “Hank, don’t egg her on any more or we won’t have any fruit to go with dessert tonight.” Lydia called from the kitchen. “Just one more?” He asked, Selena was good at sneaking fruit for him. “One more, and that’s it.” She declared.
__________________ Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________  "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it." |