Welcome to the student ran notice board, just especially for Hufflepuffs: The Hufflepuff Herald! The Herald will be your guide toward helping you find information about Quidditch Tryouts/Practices, among other exciting happenings around the School RP that make Hogwarts an exciting place. By keeping you informed, it will help you to earn all those important house points that will help Hufflepuff defend the House Cup won the last two term.
However, posting in here is restricted to the Hufflepuff Prefects, Quidditch Captain, and Approved Editors ONLY. The Approved Editors will be chosen within the first week of the term. If you wish to submit something for the Herald, then you must PM one of the editors or your Head of House. This is the
22nd Edition of the Herald and your current editors are:
Prefect: Lewis Rasting (Lislchen)
Prefect: Annabelle Lecium (hpfan18)
Captain: Renesmee Dixon (ortalismusicoh)
Editor: Oakey Gunter (MyPatronusIsAMoose)