15. Hurling Hex
You are up in the stands watching a friend of yours playing quidditch when suddenly he seems in very grave danger. His broom was bucking and shifting and threating to throwing him off.
A hurling hex! Someone was cursing the broom!
Your eyes look around and land upon the form of the potions professor, his mouth moving quickly as if muttering something. It was HIM!
Without a second thought you rush down from where you sit and up closer to him, knowing you have to stop him from hurting Harry but still not sure how. Finally you light Professor Snape’s robe’s on fire, hoping it would distract him at least. And when the broom stops its jerky movements you know you are successful. The pale man suddenly focused more on the flames lapping at his hem then the actions on the pitch.
Take that Professor Snape…for trying to hurt a student.