Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA Quote:
Originally Posted by verbain *skips into your pretty shop* I want: Signature, pweeez!  The images I want to be used are: Anything from this album. I want is to say: Jamie Keaton Size I want the graphic: 400x150px Any other details: Noooooope, thanks luffly!  <333 EH! I tried my best, but you're right he's hard to work with! Though success, the graphic is VERY..maybe too yellow
I hope you like it Emily! 
~ Credit Natalie/Nat/Allie [Lunax246] or the shop.
~ No hotlinking; upload onto your own account.
~ Comment when taking something and say which ones you're stealing.
~ All other MM and SS rules apply.
1. FREE!!
2. FREE!!
3. FREE!!