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His positioning surprised her, not that she let it show. But she hadn't expected him to drop her hand, and wrap his arms around her. She liked it, sure, but it wasn't what she expected. Just when she thought she'd had him figured out, too.
But, really, Ellie didn't want to have him figured out. So there was a smile on her face.
Also, she was very glad he'd rather her over Walnut, even if it was just about conversation topic. She didn't need to feel like she had to compete with cats, along with pretty girls, for his love.
The Captain bit on her lip and rolled onto her toes for a brief moment. "I like that plan." Of course, she was always up to spending a few hours with him, uninterrupted. But now more than most, for the obvious reason that she wasn't ready to not see him for a few weeks, yet.
The gift. He must be talking about the book, right? Because he'd thanked her for the card already. And those were the only gifts she'd given him lately. "I'm glad," she said, balling her her hands into fists and resting them on his chest as she rocked forward again to kiss him. She pulled away fairly quickly, though, to say, "You're welcome."
Of course she liked his plan. It wasn't something he knew, though, because her mind was quite changeable on some things, but he suspected she'd want some alone time with him, especially after spending too much time in the crowded Prefects Compartment.
So, perhaps she was only glad she was away from it, more than their time together, after all, she was incredibly excited to be headed back home. More so than in previous years.
It was all bittersweet to him, but sweeter since she gave him the card.
When she pulled away, he suddenly remembered the one thing he realized when he was finally free to open the gift back at the Common Room,
"Now I know why you didn't wrap it...or why you acted so strange around it." Then WHY get him books, Eliana Stone, if you cannot stand the sight of them. No, wait, not just the sight, because she'd only known a book had been in that package, but still.
"Whose idea was it?" The book. It was surely her mother's.
But it was perfect. A perfect gift. Always. Ellie knew what to get him, whilst he found himself in trouble for not knowing what to get her. She was a tricky one. Or since she only liked Quidditch, and hated books, it made it extremely difficult for him. Hence why he really wasn't too fond of getting stuff from her. He didn't know how to return it.