The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Quote:
Originally Posted by Team ronmione Adam was slightly startled when Lewis-he guessed from what Kurumi had told him mentioned a her. Whenever Adam mentioned a her he usually referred to Kurumi so he took a second to think about why Lewis was apologizing to him. Adam's eyes went big and his heart stopped. Was he mentioning Kurumi or something else?
Oh,his cat, right. "You mean your cat? That's fine-my cat isn't the greatest at making friends either.." He responded back walking closer to the boy.. "I don't know if you know-" Adam stopped in his tracks, Lewis probably knew without even having to know what Adam looked like- "I'm Adam." He finished holding out his hand. The Prefect - Adam, was it? - seemed confused about something. Or upset. Lewis couldn't quite tell. Maybe he was actually upset about Vanilla hissing at him. It WAS very rude of her and he was going to have to have a word with her later on. Only, usually she was the one with good people skills, so it confused Lewis even more that she would hiss at a Prefect. "Yes." Who else would he be apologizing for? Oh, so he had a cat too? His eyes briefly flickered back to Gwen. Everybody seemed to have a cat at Hogwarts it seemed. "I know." Lewis replied with a nod, eying the extended hand for a moment before taking it a little hesitantly to give it a shake. "Hi. I'm Lewis." In case HE didn't know. Which he probably didn't now that he got to think of it. How would he? |