Anyone? xD Talikins|Huffledor|Purple|Ted Velvet| |Lochnessie|Redhead|Bladger|⅓ Ferocious Trio
Train rides were usually long and they dragged on, but if you knew how to occupy yourself the ride was alright. That wasn't much of a problem for Nessie, what bothered the badger was the fact that trains moved. It made almost everything ten times harder... especially eating or drinking.
With a now soaked top, Renesmee walked out to the corridor. What she needed was a cloth or someone that knew how to do magic properly. She had attempted to clean the juice she had spilled with a spell, but she had failed terriblly and instead of just having a wet drops, her whole shirt was wet. This was just great. People must have thought she was really weird now, because who in their right mind would manage to spill juice over their entire top? Nobody, only a crazy Hufflepuff like herself.
She stood still for a few moments then as she had seen nobody of help she began walking upwards hoping to find what she needed.