Lisa ^_^
As she walked out of the compartment, Gwendolyn suddenly stopped and held the door open for a few seconds, just enough time to call her cat. No way she was leaving Jinx with Jory’s Pigmy Puff. Na-ah. So, with the black cat in her arms, the third year started walking along the train corridor, glimpsing out the windows. How did a year pass by so quickly? Like… seriously. Gwen couldn’t understand. And… if this year was over… that would mean she was almost a fourth year. Blimey. Fourth?! Already?
The train corridor didn’t seem to be as crowded as ever. Hmm. Perhaps everyone had already found a seat. Pffft. That would be good. That way, Gwen could probably say she’d managed to avoid meeting Zeke again. Great, she thought and a smirk appeared on her face. That was good news.
Still holding the black cat in her arms, Gwendolyn glimpsed out the window. With any luck, she’ll come across some of her friends. Mhm. Hopefully, the third year told herself.
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