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Annabeth felt her face drop, she only wished that she was to be going home to her uncle, but he died last year, she realised that it she mustn't have told Sam about it, "Well, no, my uncle died last year, I am now supposed to be living with my next door neighbours, the Chases. They hate me, and I'm not actually sure if I am going to theirs this time or if I am to live in a care home." She felt really bad about not telling Sam earlier, and was pleased when he changed the topic.
"Maybe next year we will win! Hopefully anyway! I didn't contribute to the points either this year, but next year will be different!" she said to him, and a smile came back to her face.
"oh beth. . I'm so sorry. . .about your uncle. . ."
He really was upset. . .living with her neighbours. . .who knows what kind of a people live there.If they treat her badly. .? Suddenly. . An brilliant idea came to his mind
" hey Beth why dont you come with me to my place.? I never had a friend in my place. . .actually I didn't have any friends either . . Before you came to me back then in the pathway.. My parents would be so happy to see you.They were so worried about me for not having friends. .but when I told about you. . -they were happy. . Specially my Mom. .and my sister. .who is of course named BETH.. . .what you say?. . All I have to do is send an owl??"
He looked directly at her eyes to find out her expressions.