Thread: Capitol Secrets
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Old 04-10-2012, 01:24 AM
AlwaysDance AlwaysDance is offline
Default Capitol Secrets

President Snow pulls the card from the box and begins to read. "For the 75th Hunger Games previous victors will be reaped and...little to no weapons will be provided for tributes, only wands," then a gasp ripples through every home across Panem. Wands? What? That's right, the Capitol has been keeping secrets, deep in the center of the Capitol there is a school of magic called Hogwarts. The thing is that only Capitol citizens know about it. Not even victors know about this magic.

During the victors now tributes training they have to learn magic. Once in the arena there will be minimal weapons, mostly food and other supplies. They will be given a wand as soon as they enter the training. Four days to learn enough magic to help them survive. How will the Capitol's secret effect the games?

The maximum of people you can have is two people, the optional second person can only be (District 5, District 6, District 8, District 9, District 10, District 11). I hope to start the RP in a week or so so if you want two people please take them. The RP will start with the last training day and I will play the trainer. The trainer and any other important announcements/gamemaker will be posted in red.

District 1:
Gloss: Eve.
Cashmere: sarahloo

District 2:
Enobaria: DeathEater1

District 3:
Beetee: Lollipop!

District 4:
Finnick: LunaLovegood5

District 5:
female: sarahb

District 6:
female: JennyWeasley06

District 7:
Johanna: sarahb

District 8:

District 9:
male: littledhampir
female: littledhampir
District 10:
female: Takemetotheburrow

District 11:

District 12:
Peeta:Rosa Chispa Princessa
Child of a Half-Moon

-please be active
-please make good sized posts (1-2 good sized paragraphs or more)
-please post bios when you request a character
-please have fun
-please put may the odds be ever in your favor in your post to indicate you read the rules

SPOILER!!: Johanna

Name: Johanna Mason
Nicknames: Johanna
District: District 7
Age: 19
DOB: September 18th
Relationship: single

Mom: Erin Mason (deceased)
Dad: Joseph Mason (deceased)
Aunt: Laura Mason
Uncle: Victor Mason (deceased)

Hair: brown, short and spiky normally
Eyes: hazel
Skin: fair
Height: 5'7"
Build: a little thin but not to much

Wand for Games: 12 inch oak with core of unicorn hair, unyielding
Preferred Weapon: ax
Strength: anything to do with trees/lumber

Personality/History: Johanna Mason's parents died when Johanna was three years old so she was sent to live with Aunt Laura and Uncle Victor. Uncle Victor died when she was six from an accident in the forest. Johanna disliked her Aunt because Aunt Laura treated Johanna badly. When she was seven she was sent of to work because Aunt Laura wanted to sit around and not have to be around Johanna. This lead Johanna to being a spitfire girl and not the most pleasant. She was used to being treated poorly and felt that that was how she should treat others. When she won the 70th games at age 14 by pretending to be a scared little girl she went home and lived on her own, though never gaining that much kindness. She has always been the one who isn't afraid to tease others.


Name: India Feens
Nicknames: Indy, Dia
District: District 5
Age: 30
DOB: January 16
Relationship: married

Mom: Cecile *Loren (deceased)
Dad: Ames Loren (deceased)
Sister: Sayla Loren-Dens
Husband: Jason Feens
Daughters: Vermont and Savannah Feens (6)*

Hair: brown and red
Eyes: reddish brown
Skin: tan
Height: 5'8"
Build: a little thin but not to much
Tattoos: stars by her left eye, *stars on her right foot

Wand for Games: 11 3/4 inch birch with core of phoenix hair, bendy
Preferred Weapon: sword/ dagger
Strength: daggers and swords and hand on hand

Personality/History: India is an extremely flamboyant person from the dull power district 5. India won the 61st Hunger Games at age 16 and was excited to get to the Capitol and become an extravagant crazy looking girl. Her thing became stars and at 17 her foot got tattooed with stars. When she was 18 she got the stars on her face which really define her character. But her parents died not to long after India won her games. Her sister Sayla didn't really support India's support of the Capitol. *

When India was 20 she met Jason Feens at a District 5 important people function. They fell in love quickly but they didn't get married until India was 22 because of Jason's parents. At 24 India had two little twins Vermont and Savannah. They became her world and she was sad to leave the six year olds for the Hunger Games.*

Post color: blue

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