Entry 5
Twas the Night Before Christmas and throught the whole castle
Not a monster was lurking not even a Basalisk
The assignments were in and the break was on
With the hope that Lord Voldomort soon would be gone
The students were boarding the Hogwarts express
To head home for Christmas to visit their kin
When atop Hogwarts roof there arrose such a scandal
They ran to the castle for what would handle
A man with no nose who looked like a snake
And Deatheaters dark flew over the lake
The Hogwarts Professers then got to their feet
And started a dule right there on the street
The students, they watched all staring in awe
As Red and Green streams shot out of the wands
The teachers had won and Hogwarts was saved
Voldomort defeated, he now had to leave
He drew back his wand and mounted his broom
He called out loud in the sky as they flew
"On Bellatrix, On Wormtail, On Crabbe and on Goyle,
on Lucious, on Severus, on Nagini!"
He flew away, was gone oh yay!
The students rode train into the next day.