Originally Posted by
Hermione Lily Potter
Lily turned towards Angelina and smiled. "That's good. I've been busy, but I can't believe that my first year is almost over..." It was both a good feeling and something to be a bit nervous about. How was she going to hold in all that magic over the summer without exploding? "So what are you doing over break?"
Angelina nodded thinking about this year. All the fun times with friends, parties, Quidditch games, classes, etc. now its all over. She just had to wait a few month until next term. Oh she had plans for next term, going to be better than last and this term ever.
"I know doesn't feel right," She told Lily. Taking a deep breath she said,
"Time goes by to fast." Angelina kept silent thinking about how if felt like yesterday she meet Lily down by the lake.
Lily's question cought Angelina off guard with what she was thinking. Turning towards her again she smiled and laughed a little,
"So far, nothing." Sometimes her parents suprise her though, maybe they will this time when she gets home.
"What about you?" She asked.