SPOILER!!: Prefect Kennedy
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Kennedy nodded, although in a sense he felt as if he was being taken away from both his homes; his real one in the States and Hogwarts, and he could do nothing about it. "Yeah, I know what you mean," he agreed. He looked forward to a year without exams like O.W.Ls and hopefully he'd pick up a different hobby aside from reading. "I can't wait for Quidditch, to be honest." This time his green eyes lit up. Quidditch always cheered him up.
"That should be fun," he nodded. He stretched his legs under the table feeling a bit less tense than when he came in. As always, he felt better in company than alone. "Oh yeah, O.W.Ls killed me this year," he chuckled. Studying took up most of his time, but the exams themselves stressed him out even more, but he did feel confident that he did well. At least hoped he did. Having a ministry official looking over his shoulder didn't help his stress levels. "I...will be spending time with my father," he said tightly. "And then I'm going to a Quidditch game in France with Aurora." And she was the best for getting him those tickets.
Kimalia sat and listened to Kennedy to speak, it was nice seeing him come out of his shell. He was a cool Prefect.."
Quidditch?" Her eyebrows rose, just ever so slightly. Maybe it was her captain instincts, but she just had to know, "
Are you thinking about.. trying out next term?"
Fun.. Hmm.. Kimalia wasn't too sure yet, "
Yeah hopefully, it'll be a little tough not seeing my folks for the whole summer.. But I'll manage." Smiling as she said so, mainly to keep an optimistic look on it... Until hearing the brutal OWLs. She then winced.. while smiling mind you, so forgive the strange look. "
Err that's so comforting to know," Laughing softly, "
Let's hope I don't let that happen to me," now having to juggle Quidditch along with OWLs will be one major accomplishment if she can do that.
And yep, Kimalia heard the slight hesitant in the tone mentioning his plans to see his father. Unsure on whether it's just his nerves or something deeper confused her a little.. Still though, her smile showed encouragingly. "
That sounds nice.." Ahh, and then the bigger event. "
Wow," Blinking in surprise, "
You're not kidding are you?" She asked, "
They've been sold out for ages! I'm totally jealous now." Folding her arms while laughing, she'll get over it. Especially after seeing.. yep, their head. Better drop the smile Kimalia..
SPOILER!!: Our lovely Professor Lafay
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Hecate came stomping from the Staff Table to the Slytherin one. She was not happy… not in the least, and she wasn’t the type of woman who believed it wasn’t winning or losing and it was how you play the game… Dungbombs… It was dungbombs.
Hecate wasn’t going to wait for the Headmaster's speech. She cleared her throat getting everyone's attention. She smiled wide and began.
Slytherin students, I want to congratulate you all on winning the house cup. Oh wait." Her eyes narrowed and her face turned sour and angry. "
We’re dead last." She added.
She took a breath and continued. "
I would first like to wish the seventh years at this table goodbye, and good luck in all their future endeavors as I'm sure all of you younger students do too. That being said, there are a few people I would like to acknowledge. Miss Sierra Greingoth, with 701 is the Top earning Slytherin Student, and she is the fifth top point earner in the school." She did not clap her hands as she usually did. Instead she went on. "
Master Daichi Katharos is in second top scoring Slytherin student with 406 points; Prefect Kennedy Escalade is the third Slytherin top student with 354 points; Miss Zhenya Burton is fourth Slytherin top point earner with 350 points, and finally with 195 points, Master Hades Vaughn is the fifth top point earner in the Slytherin." She finally clapped.
I would like to also acknowledge your Slytherin house leaders. Prefect Kennedy Escalade , Prefect Selena Vivianne Zabini-Riddle and finally Captain Kimalia Fanster." She clapped again.
To all those returning next term, when you get back to Hogwarts, you WILL do better next term! I need to hand over the cups, all three of them, to Professor Hadley and I am not pleased in doing that. Do you enjoy the décor? Or did you prefer the green and silver. Next year you WILL succeed if I have to MAKE you! Do remember, I do NOT tolerate failure!" And with that, she hissed her displeasure, and returned to the staff table mumbling "
Dead Last..."
Kimalia let her arms unfold and rest on the table, leaning ever so slightly in a serious tone.. Wait, why is Professor Lafay smiling? Now Kimalia was confused, but that didn't last long. For after the sugary congrats, the acid dripped into the following words on their situation. Yep, yep, Kimalia was having enough of the Karma to her name. Her head dipped slightly in pain from the said words.
And to further add the pain, she recognized the student leaders, yes, her name included at the end. "
Congrats on last place Slytherin, here are your leaders responsible for it." There was no other way to spell it out. At least Kimalia tried, thinking hopeful, while she didn't make it to the top 5 points earner like in her second year, she had at least gained more points than last term, and helped Slytherin get to the finals in Gobstones.
But that wasn't going to stop Kimalia, of course not. Karma Kimalia was going to end after this feast, and now with the new term in mind, she will have to juggle Quidditch, study for OWLs, work even harder in class, and finally help bring all three cups back to Slytherin... And now she remembered why she wanted to get away, she could already hear her older Puffer brother bragging about her house' lost.
With their head of house gone, Kimalia nodded at the nearby folks in her table, and smiled at the names mentioned. Great job trying, now let's do it next term!