Originally Posted by
PhoenixRising Fina nodded in agreement. "Quite the hardworking bunch, I'd say. I'm glad it did pay off. They deserve it." Especially after so many terms of nothingness. Hankies? "Unfortunately no," she mused, wondering what her neighbors would think if she utilized their shirts. Given Ollie ignoring her, she'd say he was probably out.
"Yes indeed, I think the large winning margin shows that. They should all be mighty proud of themselves," Isabelle nodded her head and smiled, looking out across the tables to the hundreds of chattering children. Oh, no hankies? Well...
"You could always conjure some I suppose. If you need them. Anyway, congratulations again, I should probably be off back to my seat, seeing as Tate has arrived." Giving Fina another squeeze, this time on the shoulder, Issy turned on her heal and strolled back to the other end of the table.
Originally Posted by
Roselyn Make that four people now.
"I have, thank you." she nodded. "And the students, vell...they're students. Can't help that fact." Had you good and bad ones, and that wasn't going to change any time soon. Might as well embrace the fact.
Yes, they're students. Such a shame that some of them seemed more determined to act up than learn. But at least the DADA professor had survived intact.
"Good, I'm glad. Still, nice to have some time over summer to relax before launching into it all again, eh?" Issy smiled.
Originally Posted by
Droo "Just fine..." She said and grumbled.
Well that answered that question then. Of course it meant she wasn't really fine, and that Isabelle would refrain from any more talking - just to make sure she kept her head.
"Good," she replied, simply, reaching forward and filling her goblet with juice.
Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch Grinning Edvard beamed "Astronomy lessons have gone splendidly this year except for that abrupt end to the party. Thereos knows how to make entrances." Blinking at her he asked "Did you get any bruises or so after the…accident?" Or pile up rather but he wasn’t going to say that since it sounded so childish.
Thereos certainly did. And talking of...
"That thing you found in the forest," she'd heard about it, not seen it,
"did it get recovered after Max lost it?" She whispered it, completely unaware that said object was in the process of being brought up to the table by a Hufflepuff.
Oh, the accident, yes. Isabelle laughed slightly and nodded.
"I had some. But, you know, I'm a hardy witch, they faded after a few days. You weren't too hurt, were you?"
Having finished her conversations, and wary of starting any with Hecate, Isabelle continued drinking from her goblet, taking the occasional glance around to see who was about. Several children had come to the table - including one who had that ball. At least they knew where it was now. She continued minding her own business until....
All hell broke loose.
Nearly choking on her drink, she turned her head to see Althea and Eddie having a raised voice argument behind the dais. Her eyes widened as she caught a few of the words, not all being out loud, and she felt a pang of sympathy for Edvard. Really, the poor man looked upset at the abuse he was receiving. What on earth had he said, or done, to cause it? Issy wasn't nosy enough to ask.
Although it seemed that some of the students were being nosy. Frowning at them as the other professors told them to leave, Issy looked back with a furtive glance, just in time to see Eddie retake his seat next to Fina.
"Goodness, you usually have to pay to go to the theatre. I hope he's all right," she mumbled into her goblet, trying not to look too interested. Wasn't her business.