Thread: Staff Table
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Old 04-08-2012, 03:13 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Tate jolted from his morose reverie by the appearance of a little Hufflepuff carrying a small glowing object. He hooked a finger at the lad, indicating the boy should come down the table a bit to see him.

"I want you to very carefully set that on the table and then step back clear of it. Don't move from there." His voice was quiet and serious, brooking no
disobedience. Where the heck had THAT come from?

Seriously, what was it? Was it that thing she'd been hearing about being passed around the school? least she heard that no one could really keep it for long. People lost it. Apparently it was only at the ending feast she was getting a better look at this school.

Strange things indeed.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Hearing her name, Sierra straightened her posture ever-so-slightly. Was there something she needed? Hmm... Three thousand three hundred forty-four points, but that would have been helpful twelve or so hours ago. A fresh glass of water? A new racing broom? Better seating at the house table? Yes, there were many things she'd like to throw in a request for, actually.

"Oh,, actually," she answered. "I'm just..." Hanging around? Spying? Watching the show? "...saying a few goodbyes for the summer." ... "Goodbye, Professor. Thanks for a good year!" Her eyes slowly made their way back to the show, yet a second later...

...she froze. Just...froze, as if time was trickling on without her.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
He was amused, that was for sure. Dash snorted as he scooted his chair up to the table, his head turning to the front. The first thing he noticed was a nosey Slytherin just standing there, listening to the amusing...arguement? Eh"Miss Greingoth, pretty sure there is no reason for you being up here." You know, other than obviously ease dropping. "And I'm also pretty sure Professor Roslund and Professor Schirmer would not be alright with you listening in on them so do yourself a favour and turn around, and sit back at your table."
She was just...

Distracted. That's what she was.

"Mmhmm." With an eyebrow raising and slowly nodding her head, she wasn't really buying any of it. If it wasn't for the fact that she was still staring at the two Professors who needed their privacy from ears and eyes, Medea would have easily brushed it off.

And even with Scabior's request for her to go back to her seat, she wasn't budging. Good Merlin...What was his first name again? "Miss Greingoth?" Helloooo? "To your seat?"
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