Text Cut: Adam :D
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Team ronmione
It was kind of silly to worry for them when they should be doing that themselves. Still everyone in the hall who had made friends with seventh years naturally worried or wondered what would become of their older friends,now that they wouldn't be able to see them as often. "Ok, then I'm just wondering what'll happen-not worry." He corrected himself with a small smile. Well, in that case Adam began to chew away some more, though, this time around he made sure to eat slower,before he could get a second plate before ravvies even finished their first plate.
He didn't put this on her but it was basically missing a part of family. She was graduating and going elsewhere and was going to live her own life without her younger friends. But that was just life and that's what school brought up too. Bringing friends together and separating them but its the separation that makes or breaks the friendships. "I'm not much of a writer." Adam confessed, But I'll pop up...unannounced." No,that'd be weird. "I'll give you a fair days before I drop by.By the way, are you gonna still live in Ireland or are you moving to England?" Seeing as she and Dallin would start a new life together.
"No. I don't really. I was talking about this to Kurumi last year and I couldn't come up with any decent things I may pursue in the future. I mean, the only thing I got going for me is playing the drums but that doesn't have much stability or anything..." He loved drumming but what could he do with it? Being a part of a band was not stable,even with its perks, and he turned to jelly in front of an audience. "I guess I can look into some music school or something?" If he didn't have any ideas for a job that involved music he should rather learn more about it and get help from Professors in how to find a job in such a wavering business industry.
Wondering what would happen. That made sense. Ellie smiled a little.
"Some of us will get jobs, some will go to uni, some will play quidditch..." She shrugged while Adam continued to eat food.
"Whatever happens, I think we'll all be happy." Hogwarts was good for preparing them for the future, so Ellie was pretty sure they would all be okay.
Adam seemed a little distraught about the concept of losing all his older friends, now that they were moving on to bigger things. She laughed quietly when she said he would pop in unannounced. That would be interesting.
"Just send me an owl before you do," she told him with a small smile. When Adam asked if they were going to live in Ireland or England, she made a funny face.
"I have no idea... I'd like to live in Ireland - our own little place. But we'll see how that goes. We haven't talked about it yet. But I'll owl you our address so you can visit." There. That way he could visit when he wanted.
Ellie frowned a little and rested her elbow on the table. He played the drums... but that couldn't really get him a stable job.
"Maybe you could go to a wizarding uni and explore your options. That way you would have better career choices. But if you really love drumming, you could still do it on the side." That way he could do what he loved but also have a chance for a stable job.
"And of course, there's always the Ministry." But Ellie would never work there. Ever.
Text Cut: Vashti, Dallin and Louisa <33
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Magical Soul
With a tissue in hand and a very puffy bloodshot eyes Louisa Carter walked into the Great Hall to face the inevitable. She had ignored those-who-should-not-be-named-now all the time for the last week hoping to cease this desire to cry her eyes out whenever she knew they wouldn't be here next year... maybe they wouldn't remember her as the friend she was now to them, life might take them away. It was time like this when she detested the fact that she was younger than ALL of her closest friends.
Cruel fate.
She walked closer to the table and immediately spotted Ellie and Dal. She pursed her lips together and stifled a sob. Vashti wasn't far away which made Louisa wipe her eyes regardless of tears being there or not. Her legs moved on their accords as she took a seat next to the happy couples, not saying a word. She was too busy swallowing... and sniffing.
Can you say Pathetic?
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Wow. An engagement. No wonder Ellie wasn't as down as the rest of them were. She actually had something to look forward to after graduation. "Congratulations, Ellie!" Vashti said, managing a smile. She turned her attention to the girl's hand when she held it up, and Vashti couldn't help agreeing - it was gorgeous. "Very," she answered.
And as if on cue, Dallin appeared. "Congratulations to you too," Vashti told him.
Once again her eyes wandered over to the Hufflepuff table, but they obviously didn't find what - or who - they were looking for, so her attention was once again brought back to the Ravenclaw table.
Just in time to see a familiar, though clearly upset, fifth year sit down near Ellie and Dallin. "Louisa...?" Vashti said slowly, concerned.
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"Just in time?" Dallin repeated curiously. What was he just in time for? To spend the night with his fiance and say goodbye to friends he was going to miss like crazy? That, probably, although he was trying to avoid thinking about the latter. He still hadn't come to the realization that this was his last night at this school. Ever.
Besides, there were happy things going on! Like Vashti congratulating him. "Thanks," he replied brightly to her. He was going to add more, but was distracted by the appearance of a certain fifth year. Who seemed to be crying.
"Louisa?" he asked, right after Vashti did. He stepped away from Ellie so that he was closer to Louisa, a frown on his face. "Don't cry. Join the festivities." Festivities. Psh.
"Just in time; I was showing Vashti my engagement ring." Of course, silly. And the Head Girl seemed to like it.
But then Ellie noticed Vashti look away. To the Hufflepuff table, quite obviously. Ellie raised an eyebrow.
"Looking for someone in particular?" She asked. Though, Ellie was pretty sure she knew. Anakin. Who else would it be? Ellie still thought Vashti was silly for breaking up with him, but she wouldn't bring that up tonight. This was sort of the reason they broke up, right?. Because life was moving on? Sigh.
Suddenly, Ellie was jerked from her Vashti/Anakin thoughts when she heard the name of her friend. Her very good friend. Louisa. And suddenly, she was there. Ellie had seen so little of Louisa all term since the fifth year had locked herself away to study for OWLs.
"Louisa!" Ellie shouted. Without being able to stop herself, Ellie scrambled over to her and flung her arms around the dark haired girl in a giant hug. She didn't care if Louisa didn't miss her (because it was sort of obvious to Ellie that she didn't. Why else would she avoid her for so long?), Ellie definitely missed her. Whether Louisa liked it or not.