{And who do you think you are?} Full Name: Lily May Burnett
Nickname: May or Lilz
Age: 14
DoB: 12th August
PoB: District 4
PoR: District 4/The arena
Blood: Pureblood
Occupation: Career
Relationship Status: Hehehe
Weapons: Bow and arrow, snares, throwing knives
{Running round leaving scars?} Hair: Dark, long, wavy, usually tied up
Eyes: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale
Facial Shape: Heart
Build: Small, skinny
Clothing Size: 8
{Collecting your jar of hearts?} Mother: Helen Burnett (nee Thomas)
Father: George Burnett— Deceased
Brothers: Peter Burnett
Sister: Samantha Burnett
{And tearing love apart?}
Lily May Burnett was born at home, in her parents’ bedroom, the youngest of three. She spent most of her spare time learning to swim at one of the many, many beaches in her District, and practicing with knives and bows and arrows (and a few curses), her speciality in Career training. Lily never struggled with school, because she had a ready, quick brain, but in her next-to-last year of primary school, she just gave up trying. The girl decided that lessons wouldn’t help her in life ahead. Instead, she worked hard in training, knowing that it, unlike school, would come in handy.
At the age of twelve, Lily meant to volunteer as Tribute in the Hunger Games but, when the time came, was too nervous to volunteer, and just stood shaking. That year, one of her best friends died after just one day in the games. That scared her. So she carried on as normal, trying not to cry when she remembered him. The next year, she was too nervous again, but nobody she knew was reaped. She hated herself for being such a coward, and made up her mind to volunteer the next year.
That year, she was extremely determined and when her older sister’s name was called, immediately Lily volunteered. She was literally shaking as she went up to the podium, wand clutched tightly in her sweaty palm as she choked out her name, trying hard not to cry.
{Who do you think you are?}
Lily is a very sly character, and can be very determined when she wants to, like during the reaping. Nobody at home dares cross her for fear of one of her mad temper tantrums. When she dislikes someone, Lily dislikes them bad. She plays sly tricks to get her revenge, in a very sneaky way.
Token: Amulet with a gold starfish on it
Post colour: Teal Song/subheadings: Jar of hearts, Christina Perry