Chapter 8
Christmas spirit filled the castle and was found around every corner. Hagrid had hauled in a five-story high evergreen that was placed at the front of the Great Hall. That day, most students had gone down to Hogsmead for the day while others packed for the Christmas holiday. My parents would be away for Christmas so I would be spending mine at Hogwarts. The thought of being virtually alone in the large castle loomed over me, providing me with a sense of loneliness.
I sat alone in the abandoned common room resting my eyes as I leaned against a pillow on one of the couches. I drifted off until I felt a familiar tingle on my lips. I smiled against his lips and engaged in the kiss. I propped myself up on the cushions and looked at him leaning against the couch. “I thought you were going to Hogsmead with Harry for the afternoon?” I inquired.
“Well I was, but I could tell Harry wanted to go off with Ginny so I let him.” He grinned and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. “Besides, I’d rather spend my time with you.” I smiled at this placed my hand on his. Ron leaned up and placed his lips to my ear. “Hermione Granger, would you do the honor of spending the Christmas holiday with me?” he asked.
I was overjoyed, and in the process of trying to envelope him in a hug, I toppled off of the couch, bringing us both to the floor. Ron chuckled and pulled me to him. “I’ll take that as a yes?”
“Oh course that’s a yes!” I replied. I pressed my lips hard to his and we both relaxed into the familiar routine that was the expressions of our love. Ron’s hands brushed my back in circular motions that I knew too well. My fingers inched to his chest and rested there. We were verging on what most people would call too close for comfort when none other than Lavender walked in from the corridor. She stared at us entangled on the rug. She simply scoffed and stormed off toward the girl’s dormitory.
Ron pulled me on top of him and placed his hands behind his head, gazing up at me. “So what does Miss Granger want for Christmas?” he mused. I leaned down closer to him, our noses almost touching.
“All I want for Christmas,” I whispered before kissing him slowly, “is you.”
I know that it is rather short, but I am in the process of writing the next installment as I type. hehe. (I do have to say I rather love the third from last paragraph

Hope you enjoy it!