Pfffft. End of term. And that would mean… she was almost a fourth year. Fourth. FOURTH. Odd. Gwendolyn was so not ready for this. And next year was definitely going to be different. Truth be told, she didn’t know the people who were in their seventh year now and wouldn’t come back next year… but it was still going to be odd not seeing them around. Ack. And another year would also mean new first years. Merlin’s beard!
So, after having made the greatest effort and congratulated the puffs for their triple championship, the young Ravenclaw returned to her house table, still glimpsing at the Gryffindors’, hoping that she would spot her best friend around. But nope. Ariadne was definitely not there.
As she approached her fellow Ravenclaws, Gwen couldn’t help but wonder who the people staying at the table were. It was weird, but she knew a lot of Slytherins, Gryffindors and even Hufflepuffs… but sooo few ‘Claws. Meh. Not that she mind it. ‘Hello’, the girl greeted everybody as she took a seat. WOW.
Term was actually over.
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