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Old 04-06-2012, 04:18 AM   #35 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva gave a slight smile to the boy before turning "Yes we did meet in hogsmeade and yes I was friends with Trin, but I had left school for a bit and haven't seen many of my friends since I have returned and the only friend that seems to be coming around me I just turned his hair into a nice bright pink mohawk." she laughed at the thought of Harvey still sitting with the mohawk at the puff table. She looked around "I hope the speech isn't to long. I thought about sending some dishes at the staff table in hopes to send me to the train early." it was just a thought, Minerva had only lost a few points she had never been in trouble a day in her life, so this new side was still a little scary even for her."Oh and to answer your question I love the snake bites. People are looking at me with such weird expressions it's fun. Better then looking at me like a breakable doll" she was over people looking at her that way.
Ameliah looked up to see Harvey with a mohawk and started cracking up. "Nice one Mins!" she said grinning. She laughed again. "Why do you want to go early? Are we too much for you already?" meaning her friends. Inside, Ameliah felt really good. Maybe she had talked Minnie into being good to Harvey again. She had definently lightened up. Maybe she'll tell Mins on the train who Callidora is.... "See? I told you they would help. It completes the edgy punk look to the max."
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