The Goldstein's Flat in Downtown Manchester  {Banner made by DanialRadFAN01} "The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned."
-Maya Angelou
When August Goldstein is not at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry studying to become the power wizard he wants to be some day, he goes back to Manchester where he lives with his mother, father, and little sister. It's the same flat his parents bought after their wedding and the one where the fourteen year old grew up.
If you want to stop by, go ahead, ring the bell or knock at Apartment 14 on the fifth floor. August is back for the summer and surely would enjoy a visitor from school! Characters:
Ezekiel Goldstein (Auggie's Father) - DanialRadFAN01
Sarah Goldstein (Auggie's Mother) - DanialRadFAn01
Slyvia Goldstein (Auggie's Sister/ 8 yrs old) - DanialRadFAN01
Taryn Hayden (Auggie's Girlfriend) - Colley ♥ Quote:
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