Because I have a serious lack of graphics for next term. xD Even though I'm working on some myself. I would like a.......
SS set (avvie, siggie and PP)
2. With this text......... none on the av (unless you feel it needs any), and on the Sig/PP "Stella Gardiner, seventh year Ravenclaw" (or seventh year 'Claw, or if you come up with anything awesome.)
3. With these images........ anything from
here is fine. (I know some of them suck and aren't necessarily HQ. But maybe you can find something that works/inspires you)
4. I would like this size............ av/PP: SS requirements are fine, sig: 450x170ish is good (as long as I can fit one or two lines of size 1 text/links)
5. Any other comments. I love you and you are awesome. And
(also, her font color is
#006b54, if that helps you think of anything.)