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The one person Alyssa was waiting to show up finally did. She immediately jumped up and ran to Treyen. She stuck out her hand."Well Treyen. I guess it's time to say goodbye and wish you all the best. I want to say that it has been an honor being on the same Quidditch team with you and especially being in the same house." Alyssa was intending to make this goodbye proper and formal without breaking down but when she looked up Treyen and realized that she would not be seeing him again, she started tearing up. "I'm sorry. I told myself that I wasn't going to do this, but I am REALLY going to miss you Treyen. " Alyssa apologized before leaning forward and giving him a great big hug.
Why was Lyssie offering her hand for a shake, eh? They'd known each other a lot longer for a good-bye handshake. He did shake it, but only because he was in a dazed state the moment she started to talk. And talk. And...what was she saying? She was talking too fast for him to understand a word other than Quidditch.
The Head Boy smiled, because Quidditch was always a good word to hear, right? Yes.
But then tears were forming and he blinked. And he got hugged.
"There's no need for tears, okay? And I'm going to miss you too. Everyone, actually." It had been amazing to play Quidditch with Lyssie too, but he thought it was a very random thing to say, considering she'd said nothing of the like, or he failed to listen. He did return the hug, and kissed her cheek,
"Thank you." For being such a wonderful Hufflepuff. And helping them get those three Cups this term.
Text Cut: Ellie. ^^
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Ellie walked down the Hufflepuff table, levitating a very neatly wrapped package ten feet in front of her. Clearly she hadn't wrapped it herself. And clearly, she wasn't keen on being near it, because though it was large, it
was small enough to be carried in your hands. It just never touched Ellie's.
The hand not holding her wand was very noticeably out of sight, behind her back, twirling his other present between its fingers.
She let the
package down in front of the Head Boy, and very cautiously caught up. Her means of greeting was a squeeze on the shoulder and a kiss on the cheek.
"I'd prefer it if you didn't open that until you're back in your common room." Or otherwise far away from her.
"It was bad enough having it wrapped and locked in my trunk since Christmas." Nightmare bad.
"How're you?" She couldn't imagine Treyen being
too great. It was his last night here, after all. And he actually liked Hogwarts, for whatever reason. He willingly spent Christmas here, for Merlin's sake.
....Oh, hi, Alyssa. Ellie smiled at the younger girl. ...She probably wasn't helping.
There was one thing he wasn't expecting to see, though, and that would be his girlfriend near the Hufflepuff table. There was a smile on his face that could definitely be wider, but simply wasn't for obvious reasons.
He raised his eyebrow at the box she oh-so-reluctantly brought along. Was that a gift? It seemed like it was...and he wasn't allowed to open it right now? He could deal with that, actually, because many things were going through his mind right now and he'd much rather do that in the comfort of his Common Room.
So, he nodded,
"I will." And the part where you said 'thank you', Lockhart? It was left unsaid, apparently, but you have to admit that this was a very weird way of giving someone a present.
And how was he?
"I'm...," not sure, but better than he expected, Ellie wasn't helping,
"I'm okay." He said, looking both at Eve and Ellie. After all, his Hufflepuff friend was going to ask that, no? If she'd finished her sentence, that is.