Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!]
Clearly, for a Head Boy whose House has won all three Cups this year...he should be incredibly excited to be here, right? Well, not exactly, the moment was rather bittersweet and it had taken him forever to come. His things were already packed but he insisting on checking everything three times, in slow motion too.
It was...difficult. Knowing you weren't coming back.
Either way, he made it to the Great Hall and took a seat close to Eve. As inconspicuously as possible. His eyes taking everything in, for one last time. Actually, doing that made him feel better, much better. And knowing they had a Quidditch Cup in their hands made him smile even more. So, good thing he did come down here, he was slowly regaining his usual mood. A happy one.