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Old 04-05-2012, 01:43 PM   #150 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Oceanic Flight 815
Posts: 558

Hey! Hope you enjoy! And yes, it is real Elvish, I hope. It took me like two hours to get a good translation. :sam:

Chapter 22

My heart in the silence of the Forbidden Forest was beating louder than Hagrid’s overly-large feet next to me. My feet, like all Hobbit’s were silent, just like the night.

It had been two weeks since we had found the prophecy. The next day, we had headed off to Hagrid’s and we decided it would be best if we sent Hagrid, Fang, and I into the forest. We decided this because we needed someone who could best comprehend Middle-Earth (that meant me) and someone who knew the Forest (that meant Hagrid). Fang was just there for the ride.

Hagrid fumbled with his crossbow in his hand, and he mumbled quietly, “You know, we have a lot in common.”

I nodded, not listening. I was too busy attempting to peer through the darkness.

“Yep, we sure are. We’re both abnormal sizes, we’re both half-breeds.”

I began to pay attention. “You’re a half-breed?” I interrupted. What could he possibly be half of?

“Yep, my dad was a wizard, and my mum was a giant. She ran out on us when I was just a toddler. Broke my dad’s heart, but we got along.”

I looked up at him. I could hear the tears in his voice. “I’m sorry Hagrid,” I whispered. “I lost my mother too. She died when I was born.”

“Again, another thing we have in common. I’m glad I met you Bandy. I can feel like you’re the only person who really understands me.”

At that moment my heart melted. I was about to tell him that I was glad he could talk to me, and I might even have gone far enough to say the same. But at the moment I opened my mouth, Hagrid stopped, sneaked behind a tree, taking me by the arm, and putting his finger to his lips.

I looked from behind the tree. There he was. Lalanos was stumbling through the woods like he was about to go crazy. “Where is it?” he questioned himself. “Where is that darn fountain?”

He continued walking eastward, and we followed as quietly as we could. The problem was, that was kind of difficult for Hagrid. Fang and I with our padded feet were fine, but poor Hagrid lumbered around like an Ent.

But luckily Lalanos wasn’t listening. The entire time he was talking to himself. “Blasted forest! Why can’t there be signs leading you to places! The trees always seem to change every other second!”

He mumbled on like this, as he trudged through the forest. “I wouldn’t be in this mess if those blasted dementors did their job! Why couldn’t they have gotten that Ring from those blasted kids?” He continued cursing as we stalked him.

But I was listening attentively to his words. He had sent the dementors at us on the Quidditch field? He could’ve gotten us killed! Then again, since when did he care about that?

As soon as I finished these thoughts, Lalanos stopped and said, “Aww… Finally!”

I looked around. We were here!

We stood behind a great tree and Hagrid had his crossbow set and ready to fire, just in case. Silently, I pulled out my wand from my robe pocket, and prayed that Lalanos would just think like he had the last many minutes that we were just squirrels.

Obviously, he thought just that, for he continued with his work. With great force, he used his magic elf powers to push back some bushes from in the front of the hollow.

And there it was! The Fountain in person! It was truly majestic with its white marble, pure water flowing down its many basins, and the Elvish lettering carved so carefully into it. The brilliance of it shone through the hollow, and I was surprised we didn’t notice it last time we came.

Then, the elf-lord raised his right hand I immediately began to drill these words repeatedly into my head. He cried out in Elvish:

Oio naa elealla alsse’
Aman tel’ sel darine lle alu
Sana amìn ed’ i’ear ar’ ar’ elenea Grǟi Havēns
Sana amin, quessir
Asca, asca!
Amin mellon enllemellon!
Amin goth en lle gotha!
Sana amin an lema
Aman tel’ seldarine lle

I took great note of all these words, quickly wrote them down on my hand with a quill I quickly had found in my pocket, and promised myself I would translate it with my Elvish-to-English dictionary later.

When I had finished writing, I turned around to see Lalanos standing before a great portal of swirling blues and whites. It seemed to come from the top basin of the fountain, and it swirled like a tornado.

I stood there, aghast, breathing heavily as I watched Lalanos begin to walk through it.

Is that it? I thought. Is that all we have to do? That was easy.
And as I was ready to move away, I heard a swish of an arrow, and a scream of shock. I turned to look up at my Ent-like friend, and discovered Hagrid with his crossbow empty, one of his hands over his mouth, and his eyes pleading for forgiveness from me.

I held my breath, and turned one more time to check Lalanos. I prayed that he hadn’t heard that, and that he wasn’t looking at us. But his pointed ears were pricked back, and he had one foot on the ground, the other in the portal. This was not a good sign. And, with one movement, his head turned to our position so fast he nearly saw me move my head straight back behind the tree.

I stood there, nails clenching the bark of the tree for dear life. I turned to Hagrid, and gave him a meaningful look to him telling him to be quiet. He took it seriously, and stayed silent. Fang was by his side, shaking quietly.
I took a chance, and looked once again behind the tree. To my great surprise, he was standing right in front of the tree, eyes filled with anger. The portal behind him created a great shadow that came over me as he stood in front of me like a great tower. If I hadn’t met Hagrid, I would’ve sworn he was the tallest human-like creature alive.

His eyes were filled with anger as he spoke. “What are you doing here, Mr. Gardner?” He seemed to try speaking calmly, but I could tell he was far from calm. And by him just looking only at me, I could tell he hadn’t seen Hagrid behind the other tree, which was rather shocking seeing that he was so huge.

I stammered, “Elf-lord…” Oh where was Samwise Gamgee’s courage when you needed it?

“Elf-lord?” he mimicked me in a squeaky little voice. “That doesn’t answer my question Mr. Gardner. What are you doing here?”

“Umm….” I tried to think what to say, but my mind went blank. What was I supposed to say?

“To tell you the truth, Mr. Gardner, that was a rhetorical question. I know why you’re here. You’re here to spy on me aren’t you? You must learn, you little brat that I’m not to be meddled with, you hear?” He had his hand on my throat with a great amount of force. His nails dug into my neck. Flashes of old memories from the last time I saw this elf flew through my mind. As my eyes went up, as if searching for air, I saw a dark figure coming up behind me. Hagrid, with his eyes filled with outrage, held his crossbow high. I smiled through my occasional gasps for air.

“What are you smiling at you filthy mutant? Are you seeing your mortal mother in that small little brain of yours?” he questioned me with a sneer.
But quickly his sneer was gone when he heard a lurch from Hagrid behind him. Slowly, he turned his head, but probably didn’t realize what hit him. Bang! Went the crossbow over his head, and he was out.

Not knowing how long he’d be passed out for, Hagrid grabbed Fang and I so we could make a quick escape.

As Hagrid took great strides and Fang howled, I heard myself laughing like a maniac; for I had just found the secret that we’d all been searching for all year.

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