To all my fellow badgers! xD Talikins|Huffledor|Purple|Ted Velvet| |Lochnessie|Redhead|Bladger|⅓ Ferocious Trio
This was it. This was goodbye.Renesmee couldn't believe it a whole long year had gone by and next year would be her fourth year, which meant she would have way more work then this year she grimaced at the thought and then shoved it out her mind. This was no time to be thinking about that, now it was time for farewells and it was time to enjoy her last meal with all the seventh years and the others that were leaving too. This definitely wasn't going to be easy. There were plenty of tears and crying to be expected.
With a small smile on her face, the not so little Badger walked down to her House table. Her smile was just a mask though, because truly she wasn't happy about leaving even if it did mean being at home again. To her Hogwarts was her home now, and to leave it would cause her terrible homesickness, but obviously she didn't have a choice. She'd surely be back next year and at least that way she had something to look forward to.
Taking a seat, the red head kept her smile on. She scanned the room at first, wanting to see if she could find one of her best friends, but as she peered over at the Gryffindor table she couldn't spot neither of them. Instead she decided to stay where she was and she began to wait for a certain seventh year, that she was hoping she'd get to say goodbye to before he's awesomeness left this school. That boy of course was Mr. Headboy. She'd miss him like mad once he'd left and she'd already decided she was going to give the next set of prefects tons of trouble, you know just for the entertainment.
Renesmee folded her arms and sat patiently as she continued to wait.
Last edited by Talikins; 04-05-2012 at 11:43 AM.