Why hadn't Ellie been answering questions? Because she was holding a mini grudge against Hadley. Calling her 'Eliana'. PPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTT. MEAN.
Also, she was a bit worried they'd have to calculate their middle names. But she supposed she'd just pretend she didn't have one, as she usually did in Arithmancy....and always. A glance went Treyen's way, and she was quite glad he was sitting where he was. She didn't think he'd out her to the class, but it was good to know he wouldn't know that she was completely skipping it. He'd probably go on about how it 'wasn't such a bad name' and that her numbers were wrong if she didn't include it or some other nonsense.
The Ravenclaw opened her Textbook to the page with the grid thingy with the numbers and letters, because she hardly ever remembered them for herself, and it was easier than figuring it out and...yeah.
CRUD she was gonna die when she was 25?!!!?!!
Not cool, Hadley, not cool.
Ellie....tried again. Mhm.
That sooooo wasn't any better. And Ellie didn't understand HOW her longer name gave her a shorter life span. Good thing she didn't
actually believe in this stuff...right?
Anyway, she was in the 'I' part of her short, short life, so....
The only part she felt she related to was the 'insecure' bit. But they'd moved past that so....then there was the 'success', which just made her upset considering the Quidditch Championship. She wasn't very successful then, was she?
Good thing.