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"So most of you have heard of the story. And for those who haven't....some of your classmates just told it." And if you still didn't know, it wasn't his fault that your ears weren't cleaned out. "Now, this Muggle tale, was actually taken from Wizard history....around the Medieval time period." So it actually happened, yes. "But there were no faeries or any of that....added garbage." No. Because faeries didn't help with anything, they were nuisances.
"I guess you could say that the bad guy in this very true story, was a Hag by the name of Leticia Somnolens." He took a second, and waited for them to write this name down. It might be important later down the road. "She was jealous of a princess and so she used a spinning wheel-more specially the spindle, in an attempted to kill her. Any guesses how she would use the spindle to try and kill the Princess?" Hint, it was very similar to the Muggle stolen tale.
Hecate had popped a piece of chewing gum in her mouth and was enjoying the mintyness off it. It was her own brand and she had added an agent to it that would not allow it to lose flavor.
She smirked up to the other professor...
all that garbage. That was putting it lightly. There was a a host of little fairies in pastel colours, and creatures helping the princess or dancing with her... and really, who was stupid enough to touch something because some old lady, and a hag at that, told her to?