Originally Posted by
george is cool
"Well, compared to me, you're ickle. And that's a compliment. I'll be dead after a few minutes, you've got a chance," Alyssa said with a little smile forming on her face. The kid was...amusing, that was for sure. "I have nothing to live for, nothing to say goodbye to. I'm better off dead," she replied, sadly, with tears filling her eyes. No, the little kid was NOT going to see her cry. She blinked, furiously. Better off dead.
Finn shrugged. He wasn't the kind to make others feel better, he wasn't used to
people. "
You're a Career." He said, "
at least you're trained."
He looked at her, with a raised eyebrow. "
Don't say that." He said, putting his hands firmly on her shoulders. "
I have nothing- no family, no home, not even someone to miss me. But I do have something to live for- and that's life itself." He shook his head. "
Throw away your chances if you want- Honestly, they'll all be delighted, you being a Career. Or you can listen to me, and prove yourself. This isn't a game, and we're not their pawns. We can prove it, and you can too."