Post 4: Preparing the work space. elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
After finding the perfect willow branch to use for her runes, Ella walked over to the workbenches where she noticed several tools and an empty spot for her to start working. She plopped down, placing her branch next to her and her bag on the ground. It would probably be useful to take out all the things she might need before getting started anyway.
The first year reached into her bag and dug around for her Ancient Runes text. Finding the book, she placed it beside her. She attempted to keep the pages open to where the different runes were pictured but the light breeze kept blowing them around. With a sigh, the first year circled the workbench area, looking for rocks. Finding two good sized ones, Ella placed them gently on the pages so that the book remained open. The badger also pulled out her wand, placing it in the center of the two pages where it wouldn't get lost.
Next, Ella eyed the different tools that were available to her. She pulled one of the saws over as well as a gouge tool. The first year wasn't certain that she wanted to use her wand as she wasn't as used to doing the spell work as she was with working with her hands. She didn't go for the paint though, knowing that unfortunately her own blood would be better in this case.
Now that Ella had her space set up, she pulled the branch towards her and eyeballed it, double checking that it was big enough. Then she decided she could finally get to work.