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Keefer slid into the common room, prepared for a party in full swing. A blast of noise met his ears, and a grin spread across his face. "WELL DONE, team!" he yelled, finally letting out his elation where it was safe to do so away from Ravenclaws.
Yes, the Captain had arrived.
Evelyn looked up when she noticed the captain enter the room.
"CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR TEAM, KEEFER."She yelled across the room and hoped that he heard her. Um, wait. That was his name, right?
Evelyn started to hum to the music again when a girl who seemed to be about her age and extremely hyper appeared in front of her, all of a sudden.
"Well, I'm sitting here because I don't like crowds.." She nodded towards the large group of people nearby.
"..and, almost everyone here is really young." Frankly, she didn't know how to have a conversation with the first and second years. The only first year she could talk to was Tristan..but he was a Slytherin.
Again, all of a sudden, the girl held a handful of sweets in front of her.
"Erm..thanks." She gave a small smile and picked one.
"I'm Eve, by the way."