SPOILER!!: Alec and Minnie
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They. Had. Won.
And this wasn't even a dream or a fantasy. They had actually done it! They won this thing! Alec couldn't contain his excitement as he walked along the familiar corridor towards the common room. He looked at the barrels and grinned. He felt like he had eaten a whole box of gummy bears.
Still in his Quidditch robes, the young Seeker tapped the correct barrel in the correct sequence and entered the room...
... only to find that there was a PARTY going on!
Alec's grin spread wider across his face as he took a look around. Everyone seemed so happy! Lyss was singing at the top of her voice, Ella and some guy who shared a dorm with him and Messer seemed quite happy and... there was another girl there. Wasn't she meant to be on the team? And Daisy was here! And that older girl, Evelyn! A LOT of people here already!
The twelve year old shrugged as he looked around the room again. There was a LOT of food here! And there was a huge banner up on the ceiling congratulating the team. Who managed to reach all the way up to the ceiling? And, more importantly, HOW did they manage that?
... Giants. Obviously. Or Peter Pan came here.
Not knowing what to do, Alec made his way to an armchair and flopped down on it. Ah... bliss.
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Minerva looked up and saw Alec sit down in a chair near her. "Hey Alec great game today. You are a wonderful player."
Ella saw Alec come into the common room and was eager to tell him how awesome he had done. She watched as he took a seat near Minnie and happily walked over to the two, smiling.
"Hey Min, Hi Alec!" She said, waving.
"Alec, I just wanted to say that you did such a good job. I think I speak for most of us first years when I say you're kind of a hero around here." She said sincerely, smiling sheepishly. It was true though, Alec was like the superman of quidditch! Saving the day and winning the matches! Not alone of course, but he played a big part!
"I really hope I can be as good as you if-I mean when I try out!" Seriously, if she had half the talent Alec had then she would be golden!
SPOILER!!: Sophie
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Sophie skipped into the Common Room, still extremely happy for the Quidditch Cup victory. She knew HUfflepuff would make it! She knew it all along!
CONGRATS, EVERYOOONE!! She shouted at pretty much everybody, throwing her arms up and jumping up and down. It was supposed to be directed to the Quidditch Team especially, but she was feeling like congratulating every single Hufflepuff!
Ella looked behind her when she heard Sophie enter the common room. She smiled at her friend, giggling at her excitement.
"Hey Soph! This is great, isn't it!?"