The sad truth is HP is over-yes I have now finally accepted it, not happily though Lol...with that said, Emma,Dan, and Matt cant attend because of filming-bet their new producers are like uh no time off sorry!! I am sure if they werent filming they would attend, especially since it is their home country.
As Emma not attending back in November for WWoHP, neither did Bonnie-both girls had classes at the time, in fact my guess is even exams-cant miss those!!! Also, Emma was busy promoting MWWM in the UK around the same time. The bottom line is WB no longer has these young actors under their "control" anymore and cant expect them to put their lives on hold to do HP events. I do hope that.someday soon we will be able to see the entire cast together for an event soon that has the trio, the Weasley members, the Hogwarts staff and students.