Thread: Harry Potter: Flora Riddle 2 - Sa13+
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Old 03-23-2012, 06:23 PM   #40 (permalink)
Ivana R
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Default 12. The Gaunts
Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche

Next morning, Flora met Harry in front of Felipe’s small shop. She kissed her husband on the lips. Harry looked away. Then he said:

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

They were nearly halfway when Flora broke the silence by venting out:

“Harry, it’s being hard for me. I’ve never been so angry before. I was trying to fool myself by wishing my father had something good in him, but he hadn’t, had he? Yesterday I took Hannah to the clinic, she was a little unwell. I looked at her, and thought: how could he have killed so many people, torn apart so many families, and spread so much sadness? Hannah hasn’t got a mother; whose fault is it? You haven’t got a father or a mother; Andromeda lost her only daughter, her husband and son in law. It's terrible. At least, I hope the Gaunts are better.”

Harry did not reply. Instead he just tapped awkwardly on her shoulder (his intention was to hug her) and remained silent. He knew the Gaunts were not much better.

When they got to Hogwarts, Lia and Lily were chasing butterflies in the lawn.
They explained that their quills and scrolls had been transfigured into butterflies by Ricardo, Scorpius, James, and Albus. So, they would not be able to write in their next class. Harry laughed and quickly undid the spell.

Lia could not disguise her disappointment as she was really marveled by her butterflies. Flora and Harry kissed the girls and went into the castle. Harry said that he had never imagined seeing Draco’s son doing something fun with their children.

“Ricardo can do amazing things. He must have shown the three of them that there is no reason for a house to keep on picking at the other. See, even he, who is a Slytherin descendant is in Gryffindor. Just be careful, my son is as smart as a prankster can be, and he’s going to lead yours astray.”

Harry smiled:

“So it's going to be hard to tell who is leading who astray. James seems to have combined in one person all the rompy genes. They come from the Weasley twins and from my father who were reputed as being averse to the rules. Filch still remembers them all.”

They laughed. When they got to the Headmistress’ office, they found a note stuck at the Gargoyle,

"Harry and Flora, feel at ease. I'll be back later."

They once again entered the cabinet. Flora felt better now after having met her daughter. She remained silent while Harry got the stone Pensieve out and a small bottle full of a pearly substance. He reached out for her and they plunged once again into someone’s memories; now into those of an unknown officer of the Ministry of Magic.

They saw two men in a small house that looked sloppy. The younger of them was being summoned to attend the Ministry to clarify the reason for having used magic against a Muggle the day before. The officer, though, was ill-treated in the Gaunts’ house. The men humiliated him to show that they were more powerful than him because they were Slytherin’s descendants. The poor man was just a little less abused than a woman who too was treated with contempt and violence. She was the Gaunt’s daughter. Flora could also see her paternal grandfather who stopped over during a horse ride.
The witch felt sick seeing this and so asked Harry to stop the plunge.

Returning back to the present, Flora was so disgusted at the Gaunt’s arrogant and perverse behavior that she was almost felt dizzy and leaned against Harry. Flora sympathized with her grandmother and for over half an hour stayed in shock, sickened at the way the lady was treated in her youth.

Harry said nothing; instead, he just put his arm around her shoulders, and brought her head against him. At that moment, Prof. McGonagall returned to the room. She saw the gloomy scene and immediately understood that the memory had been too much for Flora. So, she made them tea.

Flora thanked her for the tea. The tears flowed quietly and freely down her face. The headmistress who was quite experienced and wise, said:

“The important thing here is not to lose sight of who we are. It’s not our ancestor’s blood that determines our moral integrity.”

“I know that. I was just afraid. Besides, I also couldn’t help feeling my grandmother, Merope’s pain. She was never loved by anyone. She was less than nothing in her own home. Harry had told me the story before, but not all the cruelty. If I could, I’d surely have gotten rid of all this disgusting blood.... Sorry, I know I'm being pathetic. It isn’t proper behavior for a woman my age, I apologize.”

Flora got up and almost shocked when she noted how she was nestled in Harry’s arms. She looked at him in the eyes and thanked him. Then she said she would like to leave now. Harry too got up to accompany her, but she begged him not to as she wanted to be alone. She could not tell him the truth. She was sick because everything she despised was also present in her guts. In a way, to be arrogant was natural to her while to be nice and correct demanded an ever going effort from her. As she was forced to be at every moment of her life. Now she knew why.

She got home in a wink of time and spent the rest of the morning crying on her bed.

Last edited by Ivana R; 03-23-2012 at 06:42 PM.
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